Sunday, 23 March 2014

To Protect and Serve

This police post is the only one serving Gasparillo and the surrounding areas of Parforce, Reform and Williamsville. This long overdue new building was built to replace the old, wooden building which was destroyed by fire. While a historic landmark, the older police station was grossly inadequate and was in dire need of replacement. In the foreground is the town's only service station and in the background, the Gasparillo Government Primary School. I could just imagine the teachers at the Primary School scaring their students by pointing to the Police station and saying that they'd end up there if they don't behave.
On a more serious note however, why do we need to have a police force in the first place? Is Hobbs' theory of the leviathan valid? Are we creatures of instinct that need to be controlled by fear lest we exterminate ourselves? Shouldn't our higher reasoning ability as human being negate the need for these institutions of control?

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